Do you have acne, eczema, psoriasis or any other skin condition and live on an island or in a remote area?

You no longer need to travel to Athens or any other big city to see a dermatologist!

With the development of technology, telemedicine has been successfully applied in Dermatology during the past years. Presentations are constantly made at international conferences, such as at the American Academy and the European Academy of Dermatology, on how the function of this new “tool” will evolve. This means that through a computer you can visit a doctor and be given a diagnosis and treatment.


medical cases
In our practice, we have been implementing a special teledermatology program since March 2020, on the occasion of the corona pandemic, and since then we have helped several patients all over the world.

Dr. Anastasia Therianou has helped patients from the USA, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Italy, Scotland, Cyprus and many other countries.

Teledermatology cannot be applied to all dermatological cases. For this reason, you need to follow the steps below.

Call us at the doctor's office

Explain to us the issue that you are facing.

We will consult you whether you are a suitable patient for the doctor to see you through teledermatology or not

Follow the steps we will tell you.

You will be given detailed instructions in order to accurately record your medical history as well as the dermatological problem you have.

do you want to know how we can help you?

contact us

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